"Welcome to my little spot on the worldwide web, documenting the recipes I've tried and sharing my successes and fails. I am a {very, very} beginner cook, so I am mostly interested in quick and easy recipes that are healthy and delicious!"

Thursday, December 12, 2013

{to die for} Caramel Brownies

These are seriously delicious, I mean I didn't even have a chance to take a picture of the pan before they were gone!!!!!

14 oz Caramels (less is more in this situation, don't go overboard on the caramels)
1/2 Cup and 1/3 Cup of Evaporated Milk, divided
1 Box German Chocolate Cake mix
3/4 Cup Melted Butter (1 stick and a half)
1 tsp Vanilla
1 Cup of Chocolate Chips

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2. Take the plastic off all of the caramels and put them in a saucepan with 1/2 a cup of evaporated milk over medium heat. Heat the caramels until completely melted and the sauce is smooth, stir frequently.
3. While caramels melt, mix together the dry German Chocolate Cake Mix, 1/3 Cup of Evaporated Milk, the melted butter, and the vanilla. Mix until a smooth consistency
4. Divide batter in half. Spread the 1st half evenly into a greased 9X13 pan. Bake for 8 minutes.
5. Next top with the caramel sauce, spread it evenly. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top, evenly, and then glob on the second half of the batter. (I just plopped different globs around evenly, it doesn't spread so just throw them down wherever you can)
6. Bake for another 18 minutes.

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