"Welcome to my little spot on the worldwide web, documenting the recipes I've tried and sharing my successes and fails. I am a {very, very} beginner cook, so I am mostly interested in quick and easy recipes that are healthy and delicious!"

Friday, May 24, 2013

Glazed Salmon

I finally found an easy and delicious way to make salmon!

1/4 C Brown Sugar
2 Tbs low-sodium Soy Sauce
2 Tbs Teriyaki Sauce
1 Tbs Onion Powder
A sprinkle of herbs: basil and parsely
4 pieces skinless Salmon Fillet (wild caught salmon is the best for you)
Salt and Pepper

1. Thaw out your salmon fillets
2. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
3. Mix in a medium sized bowl, the brown sugar, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, onion powder, herbs and S&P
4. Grab a cookie sheet with rimmed edges. Lay a piece of tinfoil across the width and another piece across the length. Make sure there is plenty of overhang--you'll see why later
5. Place your fillets in the middle of your tinfoil, and pour the sauce all over, covering the fillets
6. Wrap up the tinfoil so it makes a little tent over the fillets. It will provide lots of steam inside.
7. Put it in the oven for about 25-30 minutes. Open the foil and make sure it is cooked. The fish should be opaque and flake easy with a fork.

Can be served over rice.
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