"Welcome to my little spot on the worldwide web, documenting the recipes I've tried and sharing my successes and fails. I am a {very, very} beginner cook, so I am mostly interested in quick and easy recipes that are healthy and delicious!"

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Homemade Garlic and Honey Pizza, {and} Cinnamon Sugar Breadsticks

3 C Unbleached Flour
1/3 C Olive Oil
1 tsp Salt
1 Tbl Sugar
1 C cold water
1 package Active Dry Yeast
{toppings} Minced garlic, EVOO, Cheese, Honey

1. In a bowl, combine flour, yeast, oil, salt and sugar. Slowly add water.
2. Mix the dough for 2-3 minutes or until the flour pulls away from the bowl.
3. Add a little more flour, or until it is no longer sticky
4. Place the dough in a well oiled bowl and let it rise until it doubles in size
5. Then divide the dough in half, and form each dough ball into a thin crust
6. Best to do this by hand, but you can use a rolling pin for thinner crust
7. Grease a pan or pizza stone, and pour a little flour onto the pan and place your crust on top
8. {here you can add any marinara, or toppings you like}
9. for the honey/garlic pizza, drizzle some EVOO onto the crust.
10. Sprinkle about 3-4 minced garlic cloves onto the crust
11. Then pour liberal amounts of your favorite cheeses {parmesan, mozzerella}
12. And lastly drizzle honey all over the top, {I used probably 3 tbl}
13. Then bake in a 450 degree, until it is nice and golden brown, about 12 minutes

Cinnamon Sugar Breadsticks:
So with the dough I made for the pizza, I took one dough ball to make the honey garlic pizza, and the other ball for the dessert pizza.
You will also need:
2-3 Tbl Butter
2 Tbl Cinnamon
1/3 C Sugar

1. Roll or spread out to form a rectangular crust
2. Grease a pan and lay crust onto pan
3. Brush about 2 tbl of butter all over the crust
4. Mix the cinnamon and sugar until combined, and sprinkle all over crust
5. Bake at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes

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