"Welcome to my little spot on the worldwide web, documenting the recipes I've tried and sharing my successes and fails. I am a {very, very} beginner cook, so I am mostly interested in quick and easy recipes that are healthy and delicious!"

Monday, May 6, 2013

{The Perfect} Chocolate Chip Cookies

So, ever since we've been married, I've {attempted} to make several batches of chocolate chip cookies, and they have ALL resulted in a big, blob of a greasy mess! Epic fail every time! So sad! So, my sweet husband got his mom's wonderful recipe for the perfect chocolate chip cookies. We tried them and they were a success! Ours did not raise as much as they should, but I think that is because we didn't use REAL butter. [next time ;)] But I loved this recipe! ----thanks Linda!

Linda's Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
in large bowl or mixer combine:

2 C room temperature butter (may substitute half with Nucoa)
2 C white sugar
2 C brown sugar

cream these together until they are smooth then add:

4 extra large eggs (or five medium)

blend well then slowly add:

2 T real vanilla
1 T salt (scant - or not quite)
2 t baking powder
2 t baking soda
6 cups flour

chocolate chips - 1 bag or more - as desired

line baking sheet with parchment paper for best results

bake six large cookies to a sheet - 375 degrees for 13 minutes - makes about three dozen large cookies (people rave about these the most)

for small cookies bake 12 to a sheet at 400 degrees for 9 minutes - makes about six dozen

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